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This website is a testament to the Stanton community. It began as an impromptu conversation between Charles "Charlie" Wheeler, an IB Senior, Mrs. Majova-Seane, our Principal, and myself. It was a lofty idea: translate our in-person tour into a digital space. Within days Charlie set up a meeting between myself and Brandon Lee-Van. There were several logistical concerns including permissions and budgeting that slowed production, yet the students wasted no time putting together website graphics, composition, and video footage. I am consistently impressed with our students' creative prowess, and the support of our administration. This was truly a family effort.

-Tamla Simmons, IB Coordinator

Class Narratives & Program Information by:

  • IB Senior Class Members led by

    • Maya Larson

    • Chapman Davis

    • Ansh Parikh

Video Footage by: 

  • Charles Wheeler, IB Senior

  • Gokul Madathil, IB Senior

3-D Footage by:

  • Brandon Lee-Van, IB & Stanton Alumnus

Funding for 3-D Footage provided by:

  • Stanton College Preparatory Student Government Association

Edited by:

  • Tamla Simmons, IB Coordinator & Stanton Alumnus

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