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World Languages

The 2020-2021 school year offered us a unique challenge since hosting in-person tours was not allowed. Though first-hand experience is our preferred showcase, we worked hard to provide you with an alternative medium in the form of a three-dimensional (3-D) tour of our facilities. We are presenting each 3-D space with the corresponding class descriptions.


In addition, please take a moment to hear from a few

of our World Language Instructors as they discuss

their courses in this video segment. 

3-D view of the Stanton Elective Buildings - includes the: Foreign Language Building, Film Room, Band Room, Art Rooms, and the Blackbox at the link below:


French would be taken for at least three years. For your first two years at Stanton, you will have Mrs. Wilson as your teacher. She is a great teacher, who is committed and open-minded; she is perfect for new students to become acclimated to the Stanton environment. You will learn how to read text, focus on grammar, and have conversations in French. In your Junior year, you will either have Mrs. Wilson or Mrs. Griner for IB French 5. Mrs. Griner is a veteran Stanton teacher, who is strict about decorum, yet her experience and dedication are clear to her students. Junior year is spent analyzing French texts and learning to understand audio excerpts (like news broadcasts). If you choose to HL as a Senior you will analyze popular French literature.

At the end of your third year (and fourth year if you HL), you will take an IB exam, consisting of three portions: reading, listening, and speaking. For the speaking portion of the exam, you are required to analyze a picture and talk about it for 10 minutes. During your discussion, you will directly connect it to one of the main topics in IB French. 


An IB student would have to take Mandarin for at least three years with an optional higher level course in the fourth year. Mrs. Lan is the only teacher for Mandarin. She is an amazing teacher who is kind, thoughtful, and very passionate about the language and Chinese culture as well. Students will learn how to read and write Chinese characters and hold conversations. In addition, they will develop a knowledge of Chinese culture including native foods and holidays. At the end of the first two years an end of course exam is required. During the third year, an SL exam will be taken and it consists of a reading and listening comprehension exam, a writing assessment, and an oral exam. During the oral, the student and Ms. Lan will talk about a particular topic for about 10 minutes. 


Like the other languages, IB requires that students take three years of a World Language. There are five spanish teachers at Stanton: Mrs. Crespo-Lowery, Mrs. Esterling, Mrs. Griner, Mrs. Herren and Ms. Burke. Each of these teachers is dedicated to teaching the Spanish language and have their own unique way of making the class enjoyable. Lower level Spanish students could encounter any of the five teachers, but higher level students would be under the tutelage of Mrs. Herren or Mrs. Crespo-Lowery. In Spanish you learn about customs, traditions, cultural differences and similarities, native food, clothing, and experiences. You learn to read, write, converse and even translate between Spanish and English. There is an exam at the end of the year, like there would be for most of your core classes, but there is an IB specific exam for higher level Spanish classes (i.e. Spanish 5 HL and Spanish Literature SL). The exam style is oral, during which the student will speak about a topic with the instructor. Spanish is an amazing language and it is translated beautifully the way our instructors convey it to our student body.


They say Latin is a dead language, but you won't feel this way when you hear the passion Mrs. Lee brings to it.  This course aims to teach students an appreciation for the classical languages and includes cultural and historical studies as well as the language itself.  Students learn to translate Latin accurately and develop an understanding of the linguistic basics that Latin has provided to so many other languages. This class does not require an oral exam since it is considered to be a “dead language,” but does require students to complete written examinations to evaluate their understanding of Latin and its history.

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