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Recreational Spaces

Our aim is not solely to develop academic excellence, we are genuinely interested in the people that make up our community. Our students are more than a number, and the Stanton culture is multi-faceted. Please explore the spaces we have available for: relaxation, performance, conversation, workouts, thinking, competition, play, enjoying friendships and more. Then view the video, produced by our students, that details IB from their point of view.

3-D view of the Stanton Recreational Spaces - includes the: Main Hallway, Media Center, Court Yard, Cafeteria, Auditorium, & Parking Lots at the following link:

3-D view of the Stanton Athletic Spaces - includes the: Gym, Tennis Court, Softball Field, Football/Track Field, & Weight Lifting Room at the following link:

Taste of IB - Student perspective -

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